Thursday, June 6, 2013

Book Buying Spree

To my close friends and family, it's no secret that I am a book nerd. I love to read and I am just as happy spending half a day cruising a used book store as I am hitting the racks at Bloomies. I don't purchase every book I read, as a matter of fact, I often get my fiction reads from the library (a girl has to cut corners someplace!) unless it's a classic that I love and will likely re-read. Coffee table books and cook books are a whole other story! I collect them like some people collect figurines and use them as part of my "decor."

In addition to decorating with them, I also enjoy reading them. I am obsessed with fashion, cooking and interior design, and it just so happens that there are a lot of amazing books out there on these subjects. I know what your thinking: those books aren't exactly inexpensive. And they aren't but the secret is to shop around. I never pay the full price for the books I buy. Instead I head online for two of my fave websites: Amazon and Gilt

Gilt always has flash book sales in their home section (sometimes more than once a week) and almost all Amazon prices are cheaper than retail. If you're really looking for a deal, buy from Amazon Marketplace where you can snag a used book in great condition for just a few dollars ($2 hard covered copy of Breakfast at Tiffany's, anyone?). 

Lately, when I have been buying books, I have been buying in bunches. Four here, three there. Especially with Gilt. There flash sales are always great and it's hard to pass up so many great books on sale. I deliberately avoided there website this week so I wouldn't purchase any more books. I'm trying to spend less and save more (for a house) and these damn flash sales are not helping. Oh, well. I guess I'll have to make due with the six books I bought a few weeks ago!

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