Monday, April 7, 2014

Cult Beauty: Vaseline

Vaseline is a cult beauty product? Yes! What makes Vaseline a bathroom cabinet must-have is that it's  an inexpensive product that serves many important beauty purposes including:

Treating chapped lips - When I eight years old I developed the nervous habit of licking my lips, which caused them to become chapped, and I refused to let my mother apply any sort of lip balm because I was convinced that it would sting. Eventually my chapped lips just cleared up. Miracle right? Nope. I found out years later that my mother was secretly coming into my room at night and applying Vaseline to my lips while I slept. True story.

Eye makeup remover - When it comes to removing makeup like waterproof mascara and liquid liner, the stuff you use to wash your face just isn't going to cut it. Vaseline is just as effective as any special eye makeup remover and much less expensive.

Dry hands, feet and elbows - Regular daily body moisturizer is a must-have for hydrated skin, but sometimes, especially during the winter months, your body could use something a bit thicker. As Vaseline is a bit messy, I like to apply it before bed and allow it to absorb over night. For feet, just slather it on and throw on a pair of cotton sock. For elbows, it's easiest to apply and then put on a light, long-sleeved shirt. If your hand and cuticles get especially dry, I would pick up a pair of moisturizing gloves at the drugstore and put them on after applying the Vaseline. That way you can read, watch TV or type on the computer while you moisturize.

Making use of leftover or broken color palettes - We've all dropped a makeup palette on the floor and watched our eyeshadow break into tiny pieces or have gotten down to the last bit of blush that isn't quite large enough to be picked up by the brush anymore. If you mix the powder makeup with a bit of Vaseline, all of a sudden you have a great pink lip balm or a new set of cream eye shadow colors. These stackable travel jars from MAC are perfect for holding your new color concoctions.

Keeping lipstick off the teeth - If you like your lip color bold, a little swipe of Vaseline across your front teeth prevents the color from migrating onto them when you smile.

Does anyone else keep Vaseline in their beauty arsenal? How do you use it?

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