Friday, January 3, 2014

A Healthier Diet in 2014?

In 2013 I conquered my lifelong fear of the gym so I have decided that 2014 is the year I tackle the whole "healthy eating"thing. I spend my high school and college years eating whatever I liked and never needing to worry about gaining any weight (lucky me), but in the years since graduation my addiction to sugar and carbs has begun to catch up with me (boo for me). I haven't gained a ton of weight, but it's been just enough to make my clothes not fit quite right, and I cannot afford to buy everything I own in the next size up. 

I know some people like to go into a diet all gung-ho crazy and cut out every yummy food out there, but i'm not a fan of that method for one big reason: Who the hell can maintain that kind of a diet? Do you want to spend the rest of your life avoiding birthday cake and dinners out with friends? I know I don't!

In my mind, the most important thing to remember about a healthy diet is "everything in moderation." So, instead of cutting out everything I love to eat, I am going to start off 2014 by making some more "moderate" changes to my current diet. These are the changes that I have come up with so far.

No more white bread. Whole grain bread really isn't that bad and it's such an easy switch to make.

Instead of butter on my morning toast it's going to be fresh peanut butter. My fave is the one you can make yourself from Whole Foods.

No more afternoon tea breaks with cookies and pastries. A piece of fruit with a spoonful of peanut butter is a much better option to get me through the rest of my work day.

Less white pasta, more quinoa. I have discovered that I love this protein and it's the perfect substitute for regular pasta and rice.

Enjoy a double serving of veggies at dinner. There are so many good vegetable options out there (many of which that you can buy frozen for convenience) so I have no excuse for not having them on my plate.

When the restaurant server asks if I want the fries or the daily vegetable, I need to pick the veg. Man, this one is gonna be a toughie.

Cut the amount of sugar in my morning tea in half. I love my morning cup of tea because I don't drink coffee, but I put waaayyy too much sugar in. I need to cut it back and just get use to the taste of less sugar.

If anyone else can recommend some healthy eating switches, I would love to hear them. I can use all the help I can get!

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