Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Tropez Self Tanner

Well ladies, it's soon going to be bathing suit season and pale skin just won't do. You can't tell from my profile picture (because I have self-tanner on!), but I am a very pale girl most of the time. I can tan incredibly well if I make the effort to lay out for an hour each day, but, (1) I don't have time for that and (2) tanning is BAD FOR YOU! I love the glow, but I don't want the wrinkles or the skin cancer, so it's the faux tan for me! 

I have resigned myself to being pale most of the time, but in the summer, especially for a special event, I like to add a little color. Everyone has a go-to self tanner that they use, and mine happens to be St. Tropez bronzing mousse. This has been a long time favorite because of how natural the tan looks.It's not exactly inexpensive, but to me it's worth the price. You can find it on their website or at Sephora.

Just a few tips before applying:

Exfoliate your skin first. If you don't, it won't go on evenly.

Apply before bed, and then wake up and wash off the excess. It will look very dark before the shower, but it's just the extra product.

Make sure to re-apply a couple of times a week to keep the glow.

In order for the tan to fade nicely, you MUST moisturize every day. If you don't, you will end up with blotches.

I also recommend a few helpers to go with your self tanner:

The application mitt will help the mousse go on evenly.
 The correcting wipes are great for removing access from the hands, nails and feet.

Does anyone else choose to self-tan rather than lay out? If so, what is your go-to self tanner?

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