Friday, January 2, 2015

Fashion & Beauty Resolutions for 2015

Well peeps, it's officially a brand new year and I'm am so excited to get going! For me personally, 2014 has it's ups and downs but overall it ended on a high note and I'm working toward more good things in early 2015, but personally and professionally. 

Per usual my "resolution" is to get on the gym wagon, not to lose weight but to give me a boost of energy and hopefully tone up a bit. I've worked out every day this week so I'm off to a good start. Fingers crossed I can keep this going all year!

So regular workouts is my official resolution, but what I really want to talk about are my fashion and beauty resolutions because, let's face it, as we start getting older, busier, more lazy, etc. some of our fashion- and beauty-related efforts fall by the wayside. I am completely guilty of it and I'm a childless, 28 year old fashion blogger! I have no damn excuse for letting myself go in the fashion and beauty department. In an effort to get back in the saddle in 2015, I've resolved to make some small changes that will hopefully lead to bigger ones....

  1. Get back on those high heels! I have become so used to wearing flats that my feet no longer no how to walk in my big girl shoes. Instead of attempting to strut around in five inch stilettos all day, I'm going to start off with my three inch heels and take it from there. My feet will kill in the beginning but I'm going to grin and bear it and try to remember that heels make my short legs look longer.  
  2. Start applying eye cream every day, twice a day. As a woman in her late twenties, I've always been told I look very young, and I'd like to keep it that way. I'm not in a place where I need to be using a full range of anti-aging products but a good quality eye cream is a must for all woman from the age of 22 on. Not only do eye creams help prevent signs of aging, they also help with puffiness and dark circles, which we call know happen at any age. I started using Super Restorative Total Eye Concentrate from Clarins every night before bed but I never use it in the morning like I should.
  3. Break out of the skinny jeans box. I love skinny jeans and my casual work environment means that I can wear them everyday of the week but it's getting a little monotonous. Thank God flares are in for 2015. I love the look of tailored, trouser-like jeans paired with heels and a great blazer so a couple of new pairs need to be purchased this month. I'm not ditching the skinnies (I love tucking them into boots) but it's time to expand my denim horizons.
  4. Sell or donate clothes that no longer fit.  Most women went through puberty in their teens but I guess I was a later bloomer. When I turned 27 my body changed quite a bit and I went up a dress and cup sized. I'm still pretty small, so no complaints here except for the fact that a lot of my clothes no longer fit right. Instead of keeping them in the closet taking up space, I've decided to sell most of it on Poshmark and The Real Real and donate the rest. It's a great way to de-clutter and make a little extra money at the same time. 
  5. Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. The winter weather and dry heat always throws my skin off balance and when I get lazy about exfoliating it just goes from bad to worse. Obviously, moisturizing is key, but it won't do a thing if you don't exfoliate first to slough off the dry skin first. I have a great body brush that I need to start using every day before I jump in the shower. When it comes to the face, I prefer a manual exfoliant like St. Ives which I picked up at my local drugstore. 
  6. Shop my closet and plan outfits ahead of time. Even if I exclude the clothes that no longer fit, I still have a ton of stuff packed into my closets and bureau, yet every morning I struggle to put a cute outfit together on the fly. When I'm running 20 minutes late I don't have the time to piece together a great outfit for work. I'm lucky if my socks match (in my defense, it is winter and my mismatched socks are usually hidden inside of boots). Instead of morning chaos, I'm going to take a hour on Sunday to think about what I want to wear the next week, go through my closet to put together the outfits and then, if needed, get everything ironed so that it's on the hanger and ready to go.  
  7. Find the perfect shade of red lipstick. I'm one of those people that loves the look of a classic red lip but never wears it herself. I have tried several times to find the perfect shade for my pale skin tone but I haven't ever found one that I was really in love with. With winter in full swing, a nice red lip would be a great way to brighten up my look and add a little glamour to my makeup routine. I'm going to have to bite the bullet and do something I don't usually do: ask for makeup advice at my local department store beauty counter. I'm so not a fan of the in-store "makeover" but having someone test them out and apply it correctly is the only way to find the right shade. I'll be sure to report back on my experience at Bloomies. 
  8. Purge my makeup drawer and try new products. My vanity and bathroom drawers are littered with makeup that I either bought and never used or received for free and didn't want. If I'm not using it, it needs to go. The same goes for things I've had for way too long. I'm good about tossing out mascara every couple of months but I'm terrible at getting rid of everything else, which is super gross when I think about it. Once I purge I'm going to sign up for a beauty box of some kind so that I have the opportunity to test out new products, see what I like and, of course, share my reviews here on FC.
We're only two days into 2015, but I'd love to hear about your resolutions and how you're doing so far. Feel free to share in the comments section. 

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