Thursday, May 29, 2014

Selling Clothes with Poshmark

A few weeks back my closet fell apart, and I mean literally fell apart. The wooden rod holding up my dresses, pants and jackets finally gave out and everything tumbled to the floor. Not wanting to break another closet rod, I decided a major clean out was in order before I put everything back together again. 

I have done some minor purges in the past but it clearly was not enough. This time I decided to take a big step and admit that the chances of my returning to my high school/college dress size are slim to none. Taking that step means that I now have plenty of room in my closet and lots of great, barely worn clothes in need of new homes.

I thought about consigning but I hate the fact that I only get to keep a small percentage of the sale. I also thought about e-Bay but that online bidding world seems a bit to vast for my small clothing sale. I found out about Poshmark from a fellow blogger and I think it's the perfect medium between consignment shops and e-Bay. It's an online site and app that allows users to buy and sell clothing and accessories with the Poshmark team taking just 20% of the sale. That 20% buys you a fantastic free website and app to display your goods and the benefit of having Poshmark handle all the annoying stuff that comes with buying and selling online including shipping costs and the point of sale process. The buyer pays Poshmark and then Poshmark pays you. Pretty good, right? 

I took some time last weekend to get a bunch of clothing items photographed and up on the website. Feel free to browse my Poshmark closet if your in the market for some deals. I'll work on adding more items this weekend. 

If you want to learn more about selling clothes on Poshmark, check out their website and read up on their selling process

Happy selling! And Buying!

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